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Всі товари в нашому магазині - цифрові файли, але вони також підлягають обміну або поверненню коштів протягом 14 днів, згідно із Законом України "Про захист прав споживачів" у разі, якщо товар не відповідає опису. Для обміну товару або повернення коштів мають бути дотримані такі умови:
- товар було куплено помилково, але не було завантажено (у кожного товару існує лічильник завантажень);
- товар був куплений, завантажений, але він не відповідає опису або не відкривається графічною програмою (необхідно буде надати короткий опис або дані про ОС та графічну програму);
- з моменту оплати товару минуло не більше 14 днів;
Mary Gilbert , 22.03.2024
I am very happy with this image. It opened easily in Photoshop Elements and I could view or hide the layers. I give it only 4 stars because it has a few scratches and stray dots that might bother some people. I am super pleased. I don't know if these flaws would be visible in a printed image. Even though it is not perfect, I think the price was very good value compared to the amount of work that went into separating the image into very useful layers. To me these flaws look simple to repair in photoshop elements. I will repair the flaws before I print it for myself, but the image looks good enough to use it unchanged for children to make their own small icons in a class or for a project with my grand children. It has 6 layers so you have the option to use only the parts you want. Whoever decided what to include in each layer made very good choices. The layers are. 1. A cut out of Mary and Jesus without halos. 2. Mary's halo 3. Jesus' halo 4 gold background with nothing on it. 5. A text layer of the letters above the heads. 6 A text layer of the Russian words at the bottom. Since I don't know Russian, I am glad I can hide the Russian words or add my own layer and write a translation in English.
When I opened the image I received a warning about not having the correct fonts. I see that this website has fonts to download so I plan to download the fonts before making any changes.
This image says it has a maximum print size of 60 X 80, if that is centimeters then it is about 23.5 X 31.5 in inches
When I opened the image I received a warning about not having the correct fonts. I see that this website has fonts to download so I plan to download the fonts before making any changes.
This image says it has a maximum print size of 60 X 80, if that is centimeters then it is about 23.5 X 31.5 in inches