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Icon of the Mother of God “Macheriotissa”

Icon of the Mother of God “Macheriotissa”

SKU: 1750 1960

The icon was miraculously found in Cyprus in the 12th century by the Monks Neophytos and Ignatius, the founders of the Macheras Monastery. Tradition attributes the icon to the work of the evangelist Luke. On the icon, the Mother of God is depicted in prayer form with outstretched arms and at the same time alone, without the Eternal Child. This icon has a hanging knife with it, which is where its name comes from. Was in a monastery in Cyprus, but in 1892 this monastery burned to the ground. At the same time, the icon miraculously remained completely unharmed. After that, she was transferred to the city of Leukosia.

Image Resolution4134x5512px
Maximum print sizes (cm)90x120 (3:4)
File format and sizetif, 59.93MB
LayersHas layers
Image quality : 5+
Layers : Has layers
Style : Byzantine/Greek
Language : Church Slavonic
Ratio : Vertical, 3:4
Number of files : 1
136.16 UAH

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