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Icon of the Mother of God “Avgustovskaya”

Icon of the Mother of God “Avgustovskaya”

SKU: 2871 1055

The appearance of the icon took place on September 1 (old style), 1914, during the First World War, during the struggle for East Prussia, in the Augustow region. At that time, Avgustov was a district town in the Suval province of the Kingdom of Poland. On the eve of the decisive battle, the Gatchina and Tsarskoye Selo cuirassier Life Guards regiments were moving to the battlefield. At about 11 o'clock in the morning the Mother of God appeared to the soldiers of the cuirassier regiment in the dark night starry sky. The vision lasted 30-40 minutes. All the soldiers and officers knelt down and prayed. The Mother of God appeared in an unusual radiance, with the Infant God Jesus Christ sitting on Her left hand. With her right hand, She pointed to the west, in the direction of the direction of movement of the Russian troops. Soon after the battles at Avgustov, the Russian army won a major victory.

Image Resolution1772x2362px
Maximum print sizes (cm)45x60 (3:4)
File format and sizetif, 27.33MB
LayersWithout layers
Image quality : 4
Layers : Without layers
Style : Byzantine/Greek
Language : Church Slavonic
Ratio : Vertical, 3:4
Number of files : 1
41.25 UAH

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